Sterling would like to inform our clients that the Registry of Motor Vehicles is finally accepting eSignatures. This went into effect September 24th where certain RMV and DOR(Department of Revenue) forms can be signed electronically and submitted during dealer sales or casual sales.
This will make not only our lives easier, but also our North Shore clients lives easier too. You no longer have to be present to sign your name for a document, we can do all of this through DocuSign software which will transfer your signature and apply it to a document.
The following forms can be accepted with an electronic signature/eSignature:
- REG100-Affidavit for Cancellation of Registration
- TTLREG100-Registration and Title Application (RTA)
- EVR104-Request for Reauthorization
- EVR103-Request for License Plat Re-Assignment
- TTL103-Affidavit of Surviving Spouse
- TTL101-Application for Title Withdrawal for New Vehicle
- TTL109-Application for Inspection of a Salvage Motor Vehicle
- MVU-21 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Transferred by Contest, Drawing or Raffle
- MVU-22 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for Transfer of a Fire Engine or Ambulance
- MVU-23 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle, Trailer, or Other Vehicle Transferred to an Insurer
- MVU-24 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Transferred as a gift
- MVU-26 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Transferred within a Family
- MVU-27 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Transferred by Intestacy Will or Otherwise
- MVU-29 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Purchases Outside of Massachusetts
- MVU-33 Affidavit in Support of a Claim for Exemption from Sales or Use Tax for a Motor Vehicle Transferred to a Disabled Person