The Kiwanis Club of Beverly Invites you to join us at the annual Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast! In Celebration of the 118th birthday of Dr. Seuss the event will be hosted by The Cat and the Hat & Minnie Mouse! The event will be held on Saturday, March 25th at the Cove Community Center, at 19 E Corning Street in Beverly. First come first serve – the breakfast runs from 8AM until 11AM with tickets will be available at the door – $5 for adults and free for all children. Children must be accompanied by an adult!
Throughout the year, the Kiwanis Club puts on many wonderful events that serve the children of the Beverly Community – this event in particular is held to promote youth literacy, with every child in attendance receiving a new book to take home! In addition to the classic Green Eggs and Ham breakfast the event will feature costumed characters, a reading corner and a balloon artist.
Sterling Insurance Agency is happy to sponsor this event and we are really looking forward to this event and hope to see you all there on March 25th!
For more information on the event follow KiwanisBeverly on Facebook or to learn about upcoming events visit